Your bedroom is your sanctuary. A place to get away from the humdrum of the world. Even when you are...
Your bedroom is your sanctuary. A place to get away from the humdrum of the world. Even when you are out, sometimes you can't wait to get back home. It is so because your home is your comfort zone. To give your mood and your life a little lift, you can redecorate your bedroom and give it a little twist. There are many bedroom theme ideas for you to choose from, or you could give your imagination a free rein and let your own ideas run wild. Either way you create for yourself a perfect place for your private R&R.Do you have the classic white colored walls in your bedroom? If yes, then maybe it is high time that you spice it up a bit. Painting the room is one of the basic and most important part of redecorating. A fresh coat of paint can transform any room and give you that much needed change. You opt for a funky design or embellishment on your walls or could just paint all the walls in a nice, funky color. Light and bright colors tend to make your rooms look more spacious than they actually are.
While you may have many bedroom theme ideas, remember you budget and make plans accordingly. There are many things that you can do and they would not empty your bank account either. For example you could upholster a headboard in a dreamy fabric and it would make an amazing statement. If you have a chair in the room, even the chair can be upholstered in the same fabric to retain continuity. Adding night tables and other such decorative items in different shades of the color you have painted your room in, will make it look elegant without making it seem overwhelming.
If everything matches or is in the same color, the space seems far from relaxing. Make sure you do not over decorate the room and end up with a monstrosity. Stick to simplicity and you cannot really go wrong. Just don't pick everything in the same color and same shade, trust us; it is going to hurt your eye to even look at it later. Experiment with small treats that in other colors to make your bedroom look vibrant and alive. Bedroom theme ideas should be nurturing to the eye and remember that this is place where you spend a lot of time, so it should e comfortable as well.
If you have a teen at home, then you know that decorating a teenager bedroom is not the easiest thing in the world. Some teens will know exactly what they want, but it just may not be possible with the budget you have. Other teens may just not care what their room looks like. If you are coming up short on theme ideas for teenager bedrooms, then here are some great ones to consider.
Theme Ideas for a Teen Girl's Bedroom
Some teen girls may just want to go with a color scheme when it comes to their bedroom. Pink and brown, turquoise and brown, and purple and white are very common color schemes for a girl's bedroom. There are plenty of accessories and fabrics that you can find to match these types of color schemes.
A popular bedroom theme for a teen girl is the glamorous style. Even though this theme may sound quite expensive, you can find accessories, furniture, and other décor items that fit the theme but will not break your budget. Look for things with jeweled or glittery accents. A fake glass chandelier with a leopard print lamp on the nightstand would work great in this type of room.
Another popular theme for a teen girl's bedroom is the modern or funky style. This is definitely a style that you will need some input from your teenager on. A modern style can consist of unusual or contemporary artwork, designs and patterns on the wall, and bright colors. Be sure that if you do go with this theme for the bedroom, that it is not too out there so that your teen doesn't get tired of it within a few months.
Some other great theme ideas for a teen girl's bedroom are:
· French theme · Black and white theme · Stripes and shapes theme · Floral theme · Romantic theme · Cheerleading or dance theme
Theme Ideas for a Teen Boy's Bedroom